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March 08, 2004

Back in School

Dream (nightmare?) that I was back in school. Voluntarily, like I was taking extra classes or something at night, but it was back in Garibaldi and back with all me ol' chums. Well, except they were never "chums" really. I had the feeling that the same thing was happening as the last dream I had about going back to school, where I didn't care, didn't want to do anything, couldn't be bothered to even show up at class or know what classes I had. I ended up back in Ms. Culbert's classroom down by the cafe but it was larger. I was at the back of the class and trying to find a place to sit. I sat down right at the back with the ruffians but thought better of it, and tried to find someplace a bit nearer the front so I wouldn't look like I was avoiding the front of the room. Someone offered me a chair, I took it. I sat down. That's all I remember.

Posted by Arcterex at March 8, 2004 09:14 AM

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