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November 29, 2004


I was at a Chieftens concert with my friend Brian... during the intermission we drove out to the country and ended up seeing an old girlfriend of mine, Llau at her home on the side of a big hill. The area looked almost like the Okanagan, dry but not too dusty. I talked to Llau a bit and asked how things were going. She was looking good and fit and told me that she was making money but I don't remember how. Then she dripped some ketchup on her stomach and put her finger in it then licked it in a mildly provocative way. Not at me, but in demonstration. Not sure if this was how she made money in this dream or not. Trippy though. Btw, Llau, if you're reading this, it was just a wacked out dream and doesn't mean anything :)

Posted by Arcterex at November 29, 2004 10:19 AM

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