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December 27, 2003

Hockey, Like a Good Canadian Boy

The end of my dream had me at a large hockey rink, with lots of people. Among them were old school mates of mine. People were playing hockey, some were on skates, some weren't. After some sitting and thinking I decided to go in. First I had to get a stick from the other side. I had to fight my way around the outside of the rink, around all the other people, and finally got to the other end. At that point another person from highschool (Chani?) told me that they needed me and I had to go in. She held open a little half height door and I had an agonizing time taking off my jacket and getting a stick. I went into the door not really knowing who was on my team (finally realized that the tiny plastic sticks that you used to use in elementary school were colored) and where I was supposed to go. I don't remember any actual playing of hockey, but I do know that the ice was really slushy, and at one time I wondered if it'd break.

I got off the ice and there was a large sign with the following on it:

"Is UFies.org a boy or a giant nerd. This /var/log/adm thing makes me nervous."

Not sure what is up with that, if it was someone making fun of me or what. I made my way out of the rink and Lee (another guy from elementary/high school) was there ahead of me, and at one point tried to take my picture with a video camera.

Posted by Arcterex at December 27, 2003 10:21 AM

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Your dreams are interesting. Have you tried looking up UFies.org?

Posted by: Kimberli at January 21, 2004 05:18 PM