Everyone has somethings they
about the Web. Well I have compiled a short list of the things that
you will never see on this page. This list is, of course, all the
things that I hate seeing on the web too.
Now, what you won't find on this page.
- Commercial advertising of any sort. There
is absolutely nothing I hate
more than seeing ads all over the Internet. Hell, you
can't even go into the Usenet these days without finding
about a hundred "make money fast" ads (in
addition to the ones you get in your email). <Alan
starts to reminisce> I remember when you could go into
the porn newsgroups and actually find porn - not
advertising! Oh well, enough of that...
- Java, Javascript, dancing icons, moving
things etc. They are really neat, and look cool in some places,
a) they are so overdone these days
(everyone has them) and
b) I don't like waiting 5 minutes for a
Java 'tickertape' program to load - I have respect for people
without T1's to their home.
- Frames. Yes, they are cool. Yes, if done
right they are well done. No, they don't load well on a computer
with low memory, and No, on certain versions of Netscape,
the back arrow doesn't do The Right
Thing, and this can be annoying.
- Sex links, porn, other shit like that.
Because of a page of humorous men and women comparisons I had (have) on my page, I was linked to the
adult site of the day. Tons of horny little perverts came
here looking for porn. When they didn't find any they
sent me email of varying temperature. I told them to go
away (and was even polite to one or two).
- Ever get tired of those
under construction
icons? Enough said.