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Ships Ahoy!

I was out on the water in a boat with a bunch of guys. Someone had fireworks, big ones and they were using them to shoot a navy ship. They had modified the fireworks so that they were harder than normal, making it so that they didn't go through the hull and explode, but went through both hulls and exploded out the side. They had done this for halloween I think so that the fireworks would have greater distance, but for some reason were shooting at this navy boat.

Until we found out the fireworks were modified the group of us didn't think there was any hope, but when we did find that out we decided that if we could find them we could save them, because we could tell them that they fireworks wouldn't explode inside the ship. Then we could rescue them. We called and called for ages on the radio but to no avail.

I guess we were out at sea when we looked up and there the ship was just "over there", but looked like it was sinking. Soon realized it wasn't, but in fact it was only dipping it's nose into the water on tight turns. The boat was pretty badly damaged, and appeared to be moving under the power of a bunch of logs stuck out the side (think old galleys) and used to push the boat along. There were a couple of people visible as we pulled aside. The first was a couple in the water, whom at first I thought was a bunch of people who needed to be rescued. One of my thoughts was "how the heck are a boat full of sailors going to fit on this boat (a medium sized pleasure cruiser)?" But it turned out they were just kinda "hanging out" there in the water. The other people were an old couple on deck, looking very much like a stereotypical old couple who are deteremined to go down the the ship, together.

The ship was steaming along pretty good, heading for port, making neat turns around stuff in the water that caused the nose to dip way down into the water. We followed them, and it became obvious they were making a last ditch run toward the shore.

Somewhere along the way one of the guys on the boat with me, a friend Kyle H. from high school turned out to be a cartoonist, a-la Charlie Brown, and there was something about drawing a cartoon of a character "Penny Lane" for someone to spite them or something.

Anyway, as the boat went along I flew down and helped them around a couple of corners, tryng to line them up with shore properly. At a particularily bad corner I got my hand cut on the dock material, but they ended up just right, and went past the coat rack (a very big coat rack) straight in towards shore, and everyone started cheering. Then the alarm went off.