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Flying Squid at the Motocross

In this dream I was a camp counciler for some camp somewhere. There were lots of things going on I think, one of which was the motocross track. While people were driving the motorbikes around the track, choppers would fly overhead (just like in the driving games). The difference was that the choppers were the transport kinds, or maybe the search and rescue kind, and they were jointed so that the entire back of the chopper from just behind the cockpit could rotate downwards. They were flying around the track with their tails down bobbing down towards the riders. At one point one helicopter almost clipped a rider as it went down.

I go for a run and end up having a little race with another guy (or girl? or one of each?) up the sidewalk, which was quite a steep hill. I tried to keep good form but man it was a tough run. At the top we stopped and I think we had a conversation about running, but maybe not. I think it was around here (sitting around some old tires and garbage bins) that I fell asleep, but more could have happened in between. Anyway, I fell asleep and when I woke up no one was around.

I headed back and found that giant flying saucers, shaped like huge starfish (round circles with dangling legs) were attacking and had captured everyone. I somehow got into one of them and discovered everyone secured magnetically by their head and feet around the perimeter of the ship. As I walked around I noticed that they were all upside down to me, but I couldn't tell if it was their heads on the "floor" or if I was walking on the "ceiling". I remember thinking to myself "this must have been hard to film.

I got the people out and there was a final showdown, wild west style. We were all circled on a dustry street in front of a wild west style store. We are circled by [bad guys]. Just at the last second the time device activates and we are saved. I remember thinking to myself that that was just how it happened in Back to the Future 2, except of course, nothing like that happened in that movie.