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Finding out someone is a dream-drunk

I went skiing or snowboarding up at whistler I think, with a few friends. When I came back I had a meeting meeting with the two guys from the design firm that I work with sometimes, J and P. Turns out P just got out of rehab for being an alchoholic! I remember thinking that when I met them (in real life) he didn't seem like he drank, but I guessed that these things didn't show all the time right?

I meet with both of them in bar that is my parents basement and have a drink of water with them. We talk for a bit and I realize that P is out of water, and say that since I know the bartender, I'll get us some big glasses of water. I get up to bar to get P a water in a big glass from the bartender who is a friend of mine, and Donna's father "Bob" on the TV show That 70's show. He gets me some ice, I get a glass of water, he passes me another glass of water with lemon in it and I fill it with water. Just then my alarm goes off, but I take a couple of seconds to turn it off because I had to carefully put down the two large glasses of water I had in my hands.