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Dreams about other Bloggers

I remember distinctly that I was taking a test of some sort, or filling in some sort of questionaire or something. I wanted to impress on the test for some reason, so when I answered the question that required the answer of http://chris.pirillo.com I put in something like "Chris Pirillo" or wrote it in as a link ("Chris Pirillo") or something to show that I knew what I was doing.

Obviously thinking about my site (or others) too much lately. Chris, if you read this, don't worry, I'm not a stalker, just a little strange.


It's okay. I dream about Canadians all the time.

It's all the igloos, guarenteed...

hey you canadian gangs, mr LA from cali USA. i'm hearing a lot of corruption comin from you indians in the north. to all you gangs, rivals straight up. brothers keep it real. die for what you believe in.

hey you canadian gangs, mr LA from cali USA. i'm hearing a lot of corruption comin from you indians in the north. to all you gangs, rivals straight up. brothers keep it real. die for what you believe in.