An Unexpected Gift

On the same day as the fire (Friday, this is being finally taken down on Sunday night, well, Monday morning actually, about 1:30am), Firefly gave me a shout to say a FedEx had arrived for me. Read more for the full story (trying to keep the front page free of huge long gobs of news, but it’s all worth reading, so read on!

Yet another loud “Huh?” was heard.

The day before a fedex “we were here but you weren’t” notice was left. Strange as nothing was expected, but A had stayed in a bit later to wait for it for me.

I finally got a chance to see it for myself on friday evening. Someone from Colorado had sent me a huge ass arc’teryx sign. Holy shit. The thing is huge! It’s even bigger than in the picture because I’m such a giant of a man. I’m sitting beside it here now (bookshelves may have to be re-arranged to put it up in the office here, that’s how big it is (and how little wallspace we have) and it seems just enormous!

The thing is, I don’t know anyone who lives in Colorado…. well, I do, but here name isn’t “Bob”. I searched my head for who might have sent this but to no avail. The strange thing is that a few weeks ago when I went in with Firefly and Shaggy to hit MEC and look for shoes we had stopped by a outdoors store and seen a smaller version of this sign, and I’d asked them if they’d sell it or give it away, and the guy had said that if they got a replacement they might be able to, and to check back sometime later (translation: “sorry, but no”). I thought that it might have been them, but they are in vancouver, and Arc’teryx is in Vancouver…

Finally today (Sunday) I made the cognative connection from “Bob C. in Colorado” to “BFB” (an online nick standing for Bob From Boulder), a very cool guy who I met in San Jose a few years back at the Linux World expo when I was down there with Iambe, Trillian, and a few others (I even still have the picture around somewhere). I confirmed BFBs last name with Iambe and she confirmed that it was indeed him who had sent it up.

He totally rocked my world. It’s one thing to come home to a building that almost burnt down and the complete opposite to come to an unsolicited gift of such incrediable appropriateness and… it’s just so damn cool.

BFB you rock. You have my couch if you’re ever up here and a fine Canadian beer (or 12) from me either way.

People really do amaze me sometimes. Thanks Bob.