Riding My Life Away

So the last three weeks I’ve been riding my bike to work. I’ve been saying that I live close enough to work to do this since I moved in last fall, so I finally got off my ass and did it. The location actually works well, it’s 99% downhill to work, so I don’t arrive all sweaty and smelly, and uphill on the way home, so I get a workout before dinner. It’s been going not too badly. My deal with myself is that I’ll ride if it’s not raining, and aside from today and a couple of rainy days last week, I’ve held to this.

The ride into work goes past two separate schools, and it always is a bit surreal to be riding, shorts and t-shirt, backpack (work clothes and lunch) on my back, alongside kids going to school. It’s wierd, I don’t want to pass them and be some old guy trying to race them, but don’t want to be a lot slower and be some old guy that can’t even keep speed up on the flat. Normally I try to pull behind a bit and keep the same speed without looking like I am. “Fly casual” as Han said. Still always feels wierd to be dressed like some creepy old guy trying to blend in riding through the masses of kids going into school 🙂