
Just put another pic of me on my “about me” page. Hope it doesn’t scare you 🙂

Tooo much work 🙁 School, job etc. I’m heading for burn out on a rocket slid on rails… or something like that. Actually it is kind of nice to have the stress back — it’s like an old friend.

Spent a lot of money I didn’t have a couple of days ago. But now I have a P100 with 24 meg RAM and a Mach 64 PCI video card. Old technology I know, but still. By the way, my network card (ne2000 compatible) doesn’t work anymore.

Does anyone know if a Sound Blaster Pro can share IRQ 7 with LPT1? Please tell me.

Someone looked at my page at school a while ago and laughed at the way that people just open up and tell the world anything and everything about their lives. I wonder why we do that? Is it a sense of importance? Is it because we think that if we do it will make us seem more important… better people. I’m not saying opening up is bad, but I am wondering why we computer geeks do it to people who we don’t know and will never see.

Whoops, almost forgot. I’ll have a new pic of me (like you want to see MORE of me) soon. A friend took one in class last night with one of them funky digital cameras and mailed it to me the same night.