Call it a last blast before a new life. Today is the first day of the rest of my life. And all that. Last night I went over to Cyranth’s place for a First Person Shooter Party. China Whites (whatever they are) and Mike’s Hard Lemonade were the drinks of the evening. When I woke up in the morning and recovered (I recall having at least 2 very deep spiritual conversations with at least two separate people, covering such issues as relationships, love, ego, heart, self love and so on) we headed out to Vancouver for a Aliens marathon. Alien, Aliens, Alien 3, and Alien: Resurrection. Ripley kicked butt in all. But now I think it’s time to sleep. I had a nice and relaxing day of doing nothing but there is a lot of work to be done tomorrow (laundry and cleaning and re-installing Linux on my work hard drive (assuming it’s not totally screwed) and so on).