The need for high powered weaponry could just “pop up” at any time.

Watched a good one on CNN while eating my lunch
today. They were talking about a firearms training school, where people pay
$1,500 to learn how to fire guns, long range, short range, draw and fire
quickly, all that Soldier of Fortune bullshit.
Anyway, they asked one ripe-for-midlife-crisis lookin’ fella why someone would
need to learn how to snipe (obviously related to what is going on in Maryland
lately). “Well, you just never know.”

All I can say is “wow”, I’m sure glad I don’t live near people with that sort of
attitude. Let me tell you something folks, there is never a
need for sniping, unless you’re in the military (and by that I mean the
real military, not the one you think you belong to). Anyone
who isn’t woken up at the break of dawn by reveille and has to polish their
boots for inspection ever has the need to own or know how to
use assault rifles, sniper rifles, grenades, or any rifle that has “automatic”
in it’s name. While I’m not a huge fan of hunting I will go with it’s something
that people do, and for that you need a gun, maybe even one that is
semi-automatic. And while I’m not a fan of “home protection” I can see the
“need” for a small pistol to keep the hordes of murders and rapists away from
your family as they are no doubt breaking down your door right now (I’ll
leave the fact that I think that this sort of thing is the reason that the
states has the gun problem they have today, and the fact that something like 8
kids are killed every day alone for now though….
). However, you don’t
need an assault rifle!

Took time off from work (ok, work ended, waiting for more) to work on my
business plan and stuff for the self employment program. Oh yea, lots of fun…