Lets Go Bowling Results

Well, bowling was a great time. We grabbed our shoes, and grabbed our balls, and went on down to the bowling lane. Lets just say that geeks really shouldn’t dance or bowl 🙂 It was great fun though, I broke 200 on the last game, but I’m pretty sure no one there broke any records. We did come to the conclusion that bowling is even less of a sport than golf, if only that you don’t have any chance of getting wet (but you don’t get to drive little carts).

Shaggy and Spenz (with artistic help) provided shirts for the IT team, named “Geeks and Freaks”, and gave me the name of “Da-Coder”. Very cool shirt. Pizza and pop was there in force. We had three bowls (innings? periods?) and then retired downstairs for a beer and to watch the Vancouver Canucks tie it two all with Minnesota.

In honor of this, I submit to you this MP3 by the Arrogant Worms, entitled Lets go Bowling.