Good Times

Iambe and Engel have travelled from the far land of Philly (Philthy-delphia) to come back and visit for a bit, and we had a great time last night. They came by and we bitched about ‘merkins and Dubbya for a bit, and found out how their lives are going, then headed for some good good sushi lovin’. Minor shopping trip to check out cheap previously owned DVDs (Blade II and MIB2 are now in my possession, though I have to exchange MIB2 as it’s the fullscreen version and not the widescreen like I like, for when I am rich and have a widescreen (or bigger anyway) TV), then back home to watch Super Troopers. I’m glad to see I was right about them chugging real syrup as well.

Good times, great to catch up. Now all we need is Foz back here to get the Nexus gang back together.