Work Changes

Seeing that ScoobyD now has a real job (yay Dee! congrats!) I figured I may as well update on what is happening in my work life.

I was contacted a while ago and offered a full time job. Last week Sunday I called and “officially” accepted. When I say “officially” I mean I said “I accept”. The only caveat is that now I have to figure out the details. Right now I have a contract until May sometime, and there is still probably another four months worth of work left to do. However, since they can’t go and request more money to keep me on for longer until my current contract is up (all sorts of political things, budget approval and stuff like that) it really doesn’t make sense for me not to accept, as this new place has all sorts of nifty things, such as cost of living salary increases, quarterly bonuses based on the companies performance, a benefits package, and so on (oh, and apparently their developers use apple powerbooks).

If the current place could offer me another six months work it would probably be a different story, but such is life, things change, people move on. It will be neat to work in yet another environment with yet another group of people as well.

I’ll probably keep on working with the company I am now in the evenings and weekends until they don’t need me anymore, and continue to work for my company in that same time (nothing wrong with extra money). Basically it’d be pretty much like it is now, except instead of working a fulltime contract during the day and more contract work in the evenings and weekends I’ll be working a fulltime job during the day.

Monday I have a meeting with the boss from $newjob, where some things will no doubt be hashed out, and I’ll get a chance to check out the new place.