On the Road Again…

In a couple of hours I’ll be heading up to Clinton for the SCA meet. The cats should be ok, I’ll leave lots of extra food and water out for them, but I have no illusions that they’ll accuse me of trying to put them to death by the time I come back, which will be sometime Monday. Just have to go home and….

  • Feed cats
  • Buy litter
  • Change the litter box
  • Get three blocks of ice for the cooler(s)
  • Remember to bring my sword!
  • Water the plants
  • Burn a couple of CDs

This morning was a rush of final prep, packing, getting money, filling up the cars, then heading to work for a day of final prep, coding, fixing, debugging, typing, etc. Ugh.

But once I escape from here, rest, relaxation, and de-stressing for three days is what it’s all about. I’ll leave you with a picture of the zoon and A sizing Cat5 for a shirt (she so rocks, she’s been sewing like a madwoman from dawn till dawn for the last few days and nights).

See everyone then.