Housewarming November 20th, Everyone’s Invited

Been meaning to write this in here for a while, but life gets in the way you know. Basically, big party at my house, almost everyone’s invited. It’ll be a housewarming / birthday party (remember me on Nov 17th! 🙂 and basic excuse to have a proper real party at my own real house. I figure noon to whenever, there’ll be some food later on in the day but please bring munchines, beer, pop, or even real food if you want.

Not a whole lot of planning or thought has gone into this, but the upstairs of the house is pretty much “done”, and the basement is getting a bit more managable, so why not have everyone over? I figure that thing’ll take off around in the later afternoon, but that’s just a guess. Ex-coworkers, friends, family, and neighbors will be invited, who knows who will show up 🙂

If you don’t know what my address is or how to get there, or if you’re invited throw me an email at and ask.