VMWware Seminar

Today work was nice enough to send me to / let me go to a VMWare conference in Vancouver. Long day, but I came back with some interesting ideas about how we could do our QA process a bit better with some of the virtualization technologies that VMWare has. They also (basically) give away all their products for $300/dev/year via their new VMTN Technology Network. Not sure if something this high end would work for our single tester, but it’s definately something to bring back to $work to talk about.

Came home after and man, crashed bad. Had dinner, sat in front of the tube, but around 8 or so (around the time that I was going to go back out to the gym), I fell asleep on the couch, and was in and out until about 9:30, when I got up, played a bit of Battlefield 2, and now am hitting the hay.
