Third Interview’s the Charm?

I’m just about to head into North Vancouver for my third “interview”. This time it’s lunch with the rest of the team that I would be working with, to make sure that we all “click”. I’m looking forward to this, as if the rest of the team are similar to the people I’ve met already, it’ll be no problem. The only thing that sucks is the drive. Of course, with how my sleep schedule has been lately I basically got up, had breakfast, and then got dressed and ready to go out to lunch…. guess that’s what happens when you are up at 9:30 on a weekday 🙂

Oh, and to make things even better in my life, the washing machine (you know, the one that’s brand new and I haven’t paid my inlaws back for yet) decided to break. So we have a load of laundry stuck in it, laundry to do piling up around it, and a repair guy coming tomorrow. It’s still under warranty and they got the extended warranty, but it’s still a pain in the ass.

Oh well, at least it couldn’t possibly get…. uhmm… forget that thought 🙂