Office Changes

A week or so ago I read this article on how to “relaxify” your workspace. Some good ideas in there, but as I read the article I realized that putting a fountain or plant in my office would do nothing, and would get lost very quickly. In fact, I think there is a fountain around here somewhere. I mentioned this to Firefly and said that someday I’d like to make the office look like… something… different/better/nicer. I still have no idea what I want that to be, or really specifically what is wrong (though clutter, dull painted walls, a mish-mash of colors, and wood types is a start), but I wanted to change it to make it feel “nicer” (I’d almost say like an Ikea showroom in terms of being clean).

I came home last night to find that Firefly and FireflyMom had taken my comments about not really liking the look/layout/”feel” of my office that much to heart and had done some…. well, major renovations. Painting had started, bookshelves were down and books and “stuff” were moved out, my desk and all my little hovel of computers (hub, cable modem, 2 workstations and a fileserver and all the wires) were still attached to the wall (mostly) but moved out 2 feet. They had hit Ikea’s summer sale and had gotten some wall units and some office furniture bits that were discontinued (happily this is the same discontinued line of “Effectiv” office furniture that we have in here currently), and have come up with a different furniture layout. Other than the minor issue of the server being rebooted, I’m really looking forward to seeing what happens in this room!

Anyone out there have office suggestions to make it a “nice” room (other than getting rid of the piles of computer parts and half assembled bits of technology strewn around the room)? Layout ideas for an approx 10×13′ room? Colors? Tips?