First Day on the Train

Well, for the first time today I took the West Coast Express. Other than not knowing how to get a week ticket and getting a day instead (tomorrow I’ll be getting the month pass, which’ll cut my cost per day down from $19 to $11), it all went fine. Had to get up a bit earlier than normal to get to the station at 6:30, and rolled into work at 8:10, which all told is a sucky way to lose almost two hours of the morning (and another almost two hours in the evening). However, spending it sitting on a train looking at the gorgeous landscapes (man I love this province) or sleeping, or reading, or whatever sure kicks the hell out of sitting in traffic, that’s for sure.

My only mess-up this morning was not knowing how to get a weekly ticket so I got a daily one, so now unless I get a monthly tomorrow I’ve lost the benefit of getting the weekly one (as you basically save a day’s fare, which I’ve spent….. oh well, such is life, live and learn and all that.

What else has been going on. The backyard is shaping up now, the pathway is done in the east half of the yard, minus gravel, and all the materials for the deck are in. I took some cool pics of the process on sunday but forgot to convert them to JPG for posting. Will do that tonight. Oh, and the basement has gotten a step closer…. we Firefly and FireflyMom moved a bunch of the crap in there into storage (read: nailed up walls in the carport and stuffed it there) and Firefly and FireflyMom went to Ikea yesterday and completely raided their as-is department, bringing home a truckload of kitchen stuff which we’re going to use to equip our basement laundry room area (with the idea that we or whoever buys from us can turn it into a kitchen for a suite).

My happy-fun-happy-happy contracting work is still going. They keep on coming up with a little change here and a little change there, which just delights me so, yes it does. I don’t care so much except that I have yet to be paid for the first phase of the project and really don’t want to have all these extras lumped in when they are clearly outside the scope of the project. I’ll be calling them tonight about this though to get that all dealt with.

Cats are fine, bird is fine, and we have the big white shaggy dog that we’re dogsitting until the 18th. Luckily she’s old and shaggy and doesn’t do much but lie down in the backyard (I’ve had the neighbor say he’s wondered if the dog is dead or not a few times).