Christmas Wrap-up

Well, it’s all over except for the new years eve bash (read: sitting around watching a movie or something). Christmas was great, had the double action dinners, one here with everyone and one with my family, Boxing Day was good as well, hit up some good deals at the various boxing day sales. Other than the actual Christmas day, I think we’ve had people working here pretty much solid. A huge amount has been done. Other than one part of the ceiling in the new downstairs bathroom and one wall in the laundry room the entire basement is framed in and drywalled. The washer/dryer are in and working, and the new bathroom is almost ready to be assembled, a new door has been punched in the back of the basement, and the front basement window has been replaced with two new sliding windows (allowing the room to be split in two by a wall in the future if needed).

Other than the drywall dust everywhere, I’m pretty happy.

Next step is to get the mudding and taping done, then painting and floor and things are so close.

Hope everyone out there had a great holiday, I will be heading back to work on Tuesday (wee)… well, at least it’s a short week (again!) 🙂