Heading For Edmonton Again

Well, our sysadmin dude in Edmonton has put in his notice, so I’m being sent out there, again, to get as much of a brain dump as possible from him before his last day on Thursday. Based on what he’s done and doing, I think we’ll need to actually extract his brain and keep it with us in the office. Mental note: remember to pack the saw.

Because I’m a nice guy, I’ll be driving Firefly’s maid of honor’s SUV up (it was in an accident while they were down here from Edmonton, and they left before it was fixed) as it needs to get back to Edmonton too. It’ll be about a 12 hour drive, but I have tunes, a map (mental note #2: remember to turn in Kamloops so I don’t end up going to Edmonton by way of Calgary again), and bags packed for the flight back.

Leaving at 6:00 tomorrow morning, getting up at 5. Ugh. At least I’ll have decent company for the drive up ($othergeek who works with me). Flying back Thursday. Weee…..