Christmas 2007… Is It Over Yet?

Looks like the season (and year) is almost over. Sadly my requests for time off went unanswered, so I only got the three stat holidays off (Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Years Day), and things have been pretty crazy. This morning I went out with my brother in law to hit up the boxing day sales. I realized (again, I’m sure I had this same thought at this same time last year) that for boxing day sales you need to either a) get up at 5am and go and stand in line to get one of the super deals (the $399 laptop that is $600 off (or claims to be anyway, I have another theory on that)) that sell out three minutes after the store opens, or b) you go the day after boxing day when the stores aren’t packed and the rest of the deals (100 pack of DVDs for example) are still there.

Outside of shopping, had a fantastic Christmas dinner over at mom and dad’s last night with the in-laws (which is doubly good because that’s only one huge massive turkey filled dinner to go to, not two or three). Lots of home baking, sweet things, plus another triumphant turkey success.

Tomorrow and Friday it’s back to work, then off next Tuesday again. I also get the privilege of being on call for new years eve and new years day (wee), but such is life….

Anyway,to any friends and family reading this, I hope you had a great Christmas season with friends and family and wish you all the best in 2008!