On The Frustration of Exercise

So since I started my new job I’ve been running three times a week and going to the gym twice a week. This morning this started as normal waking up at 5:40am and finding the clothes I’d left out for the morning had been peed on by one of the kittens who got over the barriers we put up to prevent them from peeing all over the bed and clothes. I then found out that since June 3rd my weight has dropped exactly 0. The run didn’t feel any easier than normal, and my time is down barely a minute for the 2 mile route to 22 and a half minutes. I’m really being frustrated with this whole thing, as it really doesn’t seem to be doing anything.

Don’t get me wrong, I know I’m doing it wrong, but as a rational person I had the idea that running 6 miles a week and going to the gym twice (though I rarely make it past 45 minutes in there) would do something all other things being equal.

And of course proper diet and everything, and the 2 hours of sitting on a train and 8 hours of sitting in a desk certainly doesn’t help either. I’m wondering if just stopping the exercise would affect anything.
