Merry Easter To All

Long weekend is over…. sigh. It was good though. Caught up on a bunch of TV, there was a new Red Dwarf season out (well, three parts of an episode I guess) and a new Doctor Who (yay). Sunday was spent with family having a much belated Christmas dinner (delayed due to the two feet of snow on the ground). Delicious BBQ lamb, a bunch of awesome cheeses to nibble on, and a good time had by all. Had fun trying to convince my uncle to get an iPhone for his next phone, and seeing the latest vacation pictures.

Hope everyone had a good long weekend (if you had days off that is) and that a merry easter was had.

Now it’s back to real life though, until next weekend anyway!

2 Comments on “Merry Easter To All”

  1. I’m a huge, huge, huge Red Dwarf fan. At one point, I could quote you any episode, and tell you what season and episode it came from.
    As far as I’m concerned, season 7 buried the show in a shallow grave. Season 8 came back and pissed on that grave.
    This 3 part special? Came back to the shallow grave, dug up the bodies, anally raped them while pouring sugar into their gas tanks, set them on fire, re-buried them and then pissed on them again. Just horrible.

  2. Yea, it was a bit odd, still, good to see them back though, but hard to capture the awesome campyness they had 10 years ago 🙂