Took the big camera and longer lens (also the 56/1.2) to the dog park today. Felt a bit embarrassed pulling it out, it’s not exactly subtle, but luckily there weren’t a lot of people there. Took some photos of my boys as well as a regular corgi, a little 4.5m old pug puppy, and the ass end of what I think was a Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

Obviously this one is my favourite.

Some of the latest drama in the Fuji world has been that the firmware update that Fuji released for the XH2 and XT-5 added some nice stuff (I really like the Reala Ace profile), but that it also made the continuous autofocus suck. There’s more information over on Fuji Rumors about it.
I didn’t think that it really hit me and that it was probably all just the internet mob getting angry over things, but I did notice when I took photos of the dogs running around that there did seem to be less in focus than I’d expect (also based on what it shows in the viewfinder with the green focus square right on the dogs eyes). For example in the sequence below only the one marked with red (bottom row, second from the left) is (mostly) in focus.

I’m not a sports guy and I think that the AF-C mode was just on the “multi-purpose” setting. Definitely not any sort of real test, but something I need to keep an eye on. Last thing I want is the wrong setting and the bride walking down the aisle and them all to be out of focus. Maybe take my second camera (with no internet drama over AF-C performance) and compare.