Deep Thoughts

Image of the Squamish Chief taken through the front window of a car on the road

Squamish makes Me Sad

Few things make me feel as sad and frustrated as driving through Squamish.  The Chief there in it’s glory, and if you look at the right place at the right time seeing it dotted with tiny climbers.  Remembering what it was like to come up here every single weekend.  Young, bronzed, able to take on […]

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How Much Excuse am I Allowed

This is one of the things that’s been on my mind and not allowing me to sleep tonight. I’ve often heard it said “don’t give excuses, take responsibility” (or give solutions, or make plans, or whatever). And this makes sense for the most part. I feel guilty if I make excuses for things these days

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Ever Notice…

Ever notice how the farther a technology moves from introduction to “maturity” the more restrictions are put on it and the less we are allowed to do with said technology? IE: The internet, guns, digital music, DVDs, software… Probably others as well. I wonder if peoples (read: polititions and lawmakers) time would be better spent

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