… to increase shareholder value …

Phew, been a busy couple of days. I’ve been getting ready for the big interview tomorrow, getting all my proverbial ducks in something that looks like a row. Resumes are printing out, I’m researching all the nifty stuff that this company does, and I’m repeating their name to myself all the time, so I don’t go in there and say “so what do you do here at… erhm…. errr…..” If I can just remember “Matrikon delivers industrial IT solutions that optimize and streamline plant operations for maximum agility and profitability.” I’m sure I’ll be fine.

In along with all of this suddenly I’ve got work falling into my lap! Seems Silv [archive.org link] threw my name to some people and they called up yesturday to say how they want to work with me to implement some nifty stuff on some of their clients sites. Seems relatively easy… ehrmm.. I mean, yea, it’s really hard stuff, will take weeks and weeks and weeks! Of course, I can’t really concentrate / commit to anything until after tomorrow. This means of course, that if it needs to be done right now, and I have to spend the next couple of weeks moving my life to another province (depending on if they want me, how much they’ll pay me, if I want them, and how soon they want me) that there may be little time to work on any projects immediately. More of those “have to see”s though :\

Speaking of tomorrow, send out some good vibes for me k? Especially because I was too silly to ask them to book a flight out of abbotsford, which means I depart at 7am from Vancouver. I don’t know if I have to factor in traffic or if it’s too early, but still, it’ll be an early day.

Speaking ofSilv [archive.org link], congrats on getting  your OEM deal, hope that this is a good sign of things to come! I found this out last night actually at Silv’s place where a few people watched Lord of the Rings on DVD via a projector onto a big, white wall. Great theatre experience 🙂

Anyway, I’m off to learn more about ISAPI [archive.org link], and how it will make my life complete 🙂