Canucks Game Oh My

Wow, anyone else watch the game tonight? After a furniture moving party Firefly, Lawrence and Cat5 (eventually) watched the game. And I do mean “game” in the loosest possible sense. 9-2 for the Avalanche, a lot of really horrible calls against us (we got 14 penalties, they got 2) resulting in what, three five-on-three for them? The four goals in two minutes certainly put the team on edge, and I don’t think that Dan Cloutier shares all the blame, I wonder why the Avalance were allowed to get that close to him that often that close together!? What else was there… well, a bunch of fights, and Bertuzzi suspended indefinately after cold-cocking a Colorado player from behind (I’m all for friendly retribution if someone goes after our guys, but that was pretty bad IMHO), our guys going after the Avalanche goalie… more bad calls giving Hedburg game delay penalties that were pure and total bullshit.

Oh, and the Avalanche player finally being ejected from the game and then attacking a fan throwing something at him (I can’t fault him entirely, as the fan was definately not making things any better by throwing whatever it was at someone already pissed off and being ejected). The list goes on. It was horrible to watch and I’m sure worse to be part of. Hopefully the suspensions and injuries don’t knock the boys down too hard for the game on Wednesday.

I’m glad that Linden finally got his tie breaking goals though, though it was sad that such a cool even was overshadowed by (at the time) being behind by 5 goals. Maybe this will get him back from his 12 game dry spell and get things back on track.