Fall Invasion

A few days ago I made a lovely new lens aquisition, curtesy of my dad (provider of all things photographic), a pentax f2.8/28mm lens. Very nice. I’ve taken a few shots over the last couple of days, a test film if you will, but so far it seems very nice. Not as sharp as I expected, but that could be just me (no controlled tests as of yet). Below I bring you an introduction to this nice lens and also some of the fall colors that are showing up around here. Below is a shot of a tree turning starkly red just around the corner from us.


The walkway over the train tracks had some cool patterns on them.

Another red tree in the parking lot where I park. Colors (as with the above, not adjusted! That’s the tree color and that’s the sky color. Man I love autumn!

The only thing that kinda sucks with this “test film” is that I accidently left my camera set to 400 ISO instead of the lower 200, but that only really affects you if you’ve got your nose really close to the monitor 🙂 I think they turned out well though, how about you?