
Cliff Falls Photo Trip

Somehow I lived in Maple Ridge my entire adolescent life and I honestly don’t think I’ve ever been to Cliff Falls. I know it was a place that friends from high school went to to drink at, and I’m pretty sure at some point I heard about someone dying there, but somehow I never ended up going there myself.

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Aurora Borealis

A few weeks ago the aurora borealis was visible up in the northern hemisphere a lot lower than normal, so it was actually visible around the Fraser Valley. Of course I had no idea, even when I was browsing around Facebook and Twitter and kept on seeing people posting photos, but for some reason I

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Hey Mom, I’m a Star!

Long long time no type. Lately I’ve been blogging a bit on my photography site and naval gazing on twitter and mucking around a bit on Google+. Lately the one interesting thing is I’ve somehow managed to get featured in two videos. Yup, you can see my ugly mug by going to… and watching

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Attack of Spider-Zilla

Noticed what (to me) is a huge spider outside the back door, positioned very nicely for a little photo shoot. I called him Spider-Zilla or Spidersaurus Rex. Oh, and he’s not that big compared to “real” spiders, but viewing the images at 1:1 zoom on my monitor? Freaky eyes. Cool that I was able to

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The Recent Strobist Meetup

Finally got around to blogging about the Vancouver Strobist meetup that I went to a couple of weeks ago to learn more about off-camera lighting. Read about it over at my photography blog:

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What a Storm!

Had an absolutely incredible rainstorm here earlier this evening, torrents of rain, wind, thunder, lightning, etc. Got a couple of shots off of the rain and wind hitting the tree in the front yard. Sadly I’m not that good at conveying or capturing the power of the rain that there was…

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Train Yard

Just a quick post of a picture of the train yard across from the Coquitlam (I think) station on the way home today, shot with my LX3.

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