
Quick Pic

Some friends and I went out to take pictures in downtown Vancouver a few weeks ago (when the fog was here)… got some nice ones and have them sitting in a ‘to process’ pile that I just haven’t managed to get my brain into getting to. Was doing some other stuff so I figured I’d

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New Stealth Camera Bag Pics

So I finally got around to throwing up some pics to Flickr of my “Stealth Camera Bag” which I raved about before. The inspiration came from this article (via lifehacker). The idea is simple, take a generic and boring looking messenger bag and fit it with foam and padding to protect a camera so you

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Foggy Vancouver

Wow, it’s been a weird week of weather (or two weeks now) where pretty much the whole lower mainland has been foggy (think thick like pea soup) morning and evening. The following picture was passed on from someone from someone from email spam. Super-cool. This is apparently a view of Downtown Vancouver from Cypress Mountain

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More Toys

Another weekend almost over, another couple of days of vegging and relaxing done. Sadly not much was actually accomplished this weekend. I did get my new camera a few days ago (had to get it from B&H in New York as it’s impossible to get in the lower mainland. The plan with this camera is

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An Evening with Joe McNally

So thanks to a tip from a friend taking a course from him, I found out that The Joe McNally is in Vancouver and was doing a lecture downtown. Being that I’ve read and pimped his book before, and he’s done picture for oodles of places, including National Geographic, it was a pretty good idea

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Shooting the Kids

No, not really. I did a shoot of “formals” for a friend’s daughter’s sweet 16 party. I detailed all the gory stuff over at my K20D blog. Definitely a lot of fun, in amidst the terror 🙂 Zoon is still either preggers or fat, if the former I hope she pops soon so I can

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Pentax K20D Intro Video

I’m starting to lust more and more after this camera. Great video highlighting some of the high points! They are showing up in stock in Vancouver as well, so watch out credit card! Update: Found a place in vancouver with $100 less than normal price, working on my local guys to match it….. trouble….. danger

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