Made It To Edmonton

Other than a few minor details (cat waking me up at 4am, mis-communication as to where to meet) the trip went well. We ended up leaving mission at 6:30am, and with a fairly steady stream of Tim Horton’s coffee, coffee from a greasy spoon in hope for breakfast, a couple of cokes, pringles, and more Tim Horton’s, we made the trip in about 12 or 13 hours with really no incidents. I had burned a CD with comedy, a classic Howard Stern show, and some TWiT podcasts that kept me mostly awake.

We finally got in, dropped the car off and then got dropped at our hotel… where we promptly found we were booked in for the night we were leaving (tomorrow night) but not Sunday or Monday night. Gugh!

So walk across the street to the only other hotel within walking distance (a best western) and booked in there for the night. Definitely nothing special, however exactly what was needed, ie: a shower and a bed. However I admit the first thing I did was try to get online and figure out why I couldn’t get onto the hotel wifi πŸ™‚

Then I found an old cheesy sci-fi flick (Imposter) and watched that while watching a really good video screencast on active record in ruby on rails showing me again just how amazingly cool the Active Record library is.

Then I slept till a couple of hours ago, and stumbled and found my way to work. The lady at the Denny’s lied when she said “oh, that’s just two minutes walk down the road!” when we inquired as to how far our cross street was. We were about a third of the way there when some nutcase in a little red honda screeched into the turn off we were just walking into and then parked in front of us. Thankfully it wasn’t an axe-murderer looking for an early morning snack, but D, our guy at the Edmonton office, who was wondering who the two nutcases walking down the road with luggage were when he recognized us. Good thing too, because the promised two minute walk was more like a 15 or 20 minute walk.

So now I’m here, in the office, updating my blog πŸ™‚