
Sleep. Weird stuff. Night before last I hit the sack at 11pm. Overslept when my backup alarm didn’t go off. There is nothing so tramatizing as waking up in the morning and trying to do math…. “ok, I work at 9…. takes a half hour to get there… so I have to leave at 8:30… and it’s 8:19 now… so that means.. uhm… errr… I have to leave in 10 minuters…. ”

Awk, yea. To my credit, I was out the door 6 minutes or so after waking up.  Even got to work early!

This morning was a different story. I went to bed at 11-11:30 or so, and was rudely woken up at 1:15 by my backup alarm clock. My radio-alarm said it was 1:15, but I had to make sure (nothing like stumbling around the house at 1am looking for a clock you can trust). When I verified it was indeed 1am, I reset the backup alarm to the right time and went back to sleep. Then I woke up late again (not too late this time though) because the backup alarm failed. When I looked at the time it was 1:40am or something. Might be time for a new set of batteries methinks.

I’m thinking of inventing a new drink called the horny englishman. Whaddyathink?

Ahh…. Christmas… I’m not sure what sort of mood I’m in. At lunch at work I grab a bite to eat and go and park by Chilliwack river and read a book while looking out to the mountains. The snow is creeping down the tops and getting closer every day. The bland, black and white look of the mountains reminds me of carefree days traipsing through the woods near the home of my youth, prepared for any dangers that might be facing me, be it animal or white man. Ah, nostalgia.

Lately I’ve gotten a travelling bug. Reading Shampoo Planet by Douglas Coupland (and the protaganist’s travels to Paris) combined with my good friend Llau heading to England and all has got me in the mood to head out on the road. Maybe this spring I’ll do just that. Head to London for a week and see the city.

Christmas is an ok time I guess. Over commercialized, overcroweded. No wonder people leave their shopping to the last minute, they want to have the pain and agony of shopping in a crowded mall over in only one go, instead of prolonging it over many days. And even better, leave it until the last minute, so there is no chance of going back even if you want to!

Ok, so it might be a flawed theory based on the procrastinating person I am, but it’s my theory nonetheless.