
Went to see You’ve got Mail tonight with a friend of mine. It was an
interesting movie, basically a love story built upon the premis of two people
falling in love on the net, but hating each other in real life, and not
knowing that they were the same two people. Or something like that.

A good movie though, but a bit of a "chick flick", so it’s something
to take an SO to. This of course kinda sucks as it comes right after a
really good episode of Dawson’s Creek where everyone falls
in love all over again, and more often then not ends up in the sack. The sack
doesn’t concern me that much, it’s the process of getting there, falling in
love and exploring feelings and all that touchy feely shit.

I’m revising my Perfect Woman requirements again, to be something simpler and
more well defined. I’m looking for a mind fuck. Not someone to fuck with my
mind (as most of them seem to do), but a mind fuck. Defined it results in my
earlier requirements, someone who challenges me, and who I can talk to, and is
on my level conversation wise or intelligence wise. All that rolled into one,
someone who can excite my mind is what I’m looking for most
of all. The rest, the good looks, great sex, and ability to purr like a cat
is secondary (but still important). These secondary things can be picked and
chosen, but the mind fuck part has to stay for me to be satisfied.

While talking to a friend over the week we pondered the question of are we
going to be lonely forever, searching for this person to excite our minds.
While I’m generally dismal in this area, I have to take my own advice.
Everything that is supposed to happen will happen and has happened, by
definition. Time will bring along that perfect person, be it in your
own building, town country, world or galaxy. While I’d rather not wait to
meet some martian chick for my perfect female, if I have to I will.

I’ve been thinking lately I have to do more writing. It’s fallen a bit by
the wayside and in the misdt of reading about DNS and Bind (O’Reilly)
and Unix Network Programming (Stevens) or even Learning GNU
(O’Reilly). I’ll get to it gentle reader, I promise. In front of me
I have notes hastilly scribbled while driving down the highway of some image,
or poem idea that I had to write down before it escaped my fragile mind. Soon
enough these scraps will turn into entities upon themselves, and, if all goes
as planned, take flight as something good.

Random Thoughts on my Writing.

Strangely enough people like my poetry and
I’m flattered. However, my favorite peice, the one that might not be what I
consider my best work, but the one that means the
most to me is yet unpublished on the web. Maybe
someday I will, but not at this moment. Maybe that it’s my attempt to capture
a powerful image and keep it with me is why I like it so much. Maybe it’s the
memory that goes along with the poem, and nothing to do with the poem at all?
Who knows, who cares! As I clearly state on the page, it’s nothing to do with
anything other than a manifestaion of my feelings out in text. (are you
seeing the babbling happening here?).

Enough of that. Everyone, if you know Llau, she waves hello from England.
Hopefully I’ll be going to visit her soon.