

Well I finally got everything all ready for the trip tomorrow
(today)…. got back around midnight and have spent the last hour or
so frantically packing, writing notes for roomie*, getting money,
passport, clothing, toothbrush, cell phone recharger, etc all ready.
Wonder what I forgot?

Said goodbye to one of my best friends for the last 4 years or so.
Darren is heading with his GF to Edmonton to start a new job as she
goes to school at U of A. I met him through an ex-girlfriend of mine
and he and Brian and I hung out for a long long time. Now Brian is in
Calgary, Darren is heading to Edmonton and I’m still here. Hell, for
all I know in 6 months I’ll be in New Mexico or something. Funny how
life is though… I am sure though that we will remain close through
the net and all. It’s sad to see him go though. I let him win at
pool when we played tonight though 🙂

Anyway, dude, I won’t see you for a couple months (till I get a long
weekend to come up and visit) so good luck and all that, my best
wishes go with you in your new life.

Now to do some updating and stuff. I’ll be outta here till saturday
(the 14th) evening, but I’ll try to update via the UFies LWE page.

“I’m leaving… on a jet plane….

(in about 5 hours I have to get up, eek! I want to finish off my
vi/emacs article first though!).