

Well, apparenly I’m blind. When I did an install today to upgrade one
of our clients to ISDN I missed the blindingly obvious (apparently).
I looked under the desk where the server was and saw the “tel”,
“mod1”, and “mod2” jacks. In my search for the ISDN jack I apparently
missed the jack labeld “ISDN”. Duh. So thanks to that I get to go
back tomorrow morning, bright and early (I resisted agreeing to meet
the guy there at 7:30, and figured an 8:30-9 meeting would “better
suit my schedule” (ie: I need more than 2 hours sleep)). Anyway, I
think it’s just a different dial up number for ISDN customers
(hmmm… maybe not, stupid lame ass website).

I did get around to reconfigging my work environment though. Still no
mod_perl, but I do have a little button that gives me a root prompt
now… I tested and got ready the SCSI drives that raskal kindly
donated to me. Just installed the module and boom. 4 more gigs.
Course it’s going to the ufies.org server as a /home and a /var/ftp,
but that’s beside the point. The controller is supported just dandily
under the 2.0.x kernels so that should be no problem. And Fred’s 64
mb of memory should help keep things at bay for a bit too. I’ll be
taking the server down for a bit on thursday (Tom has graciously
agreed to stay a little longer at work so I can come in after my work
to do the upgrade).

Oh, and since poor Iambe was called upon to work late late late (still
there I think) by Da Man I was called upon to write a column. Head
over here to
check it out. Or the archives if it’s after tomorrow (well,
technically today).