
Well, the list of the weekend was almost done. I got the book read, the bathroom cleaned, samba working, taping done, etc. Stuff that wasn’t done is ok, I’ll live. Laundry must be done soon though. No DC page done, oh well, I’ll live. This week was a re-run anyway. I did however find a new obsession. Alyson Hannigan who plays Willow [archive.org link] on Buffy The Vampire Slayer [archive.org link]. Hummina hummina. Could be I’m just attracted to the softness and… “humanness” in this weeks episode (head here [archive.org link] and look for the “Wild at Heart” episode). I could become obsessed, (she’s 25, but seeing someone…. just my luck) but not near as this guy. A hairstyle index? my lord…

Course, a little read through [archive.org link] reveals that she’s not the same type of person that she plays on the show (if the guy who wrote the page isn’t full of it that is). Oh well, on to RL I guess

Argh. Got an install tomorrow. This means I have to get dressed in clothes that are clean. It also means I’m heading to bed early (again) as I have to go to the office in the ‘wack before heading to downtown for a 10am install. Yuck. I just hope it goes nice and smooth.

Worked tonight on trying to figure out why our work system won’t proxy cache ftp connections properly while my home system does. It’s not the setup though, as I’ve tried the same set up on their system as I have on my firewall, which works fine. Blame the guy who wrote the firewall I guess <g>