
Happy Birthday to me… Happy Birthday to me…

Wow, what a day. I was overrun at work doing a system for our users so the sysadmin doesn’t have to change their passwords for them (erhm,  isn’t a sysadmin supposed to do work like that?) and some other support issues. We agreed that the beforementioned B was not our favorite person.

A good day of work to say the least. Even got to have lunch before 2 this time! (yea yea, I was fixing a bug that was our fault…)

Went to the ArcterParents house for a birthday dinner and had a great time, got some neat and useful toys (oh but for the time to enjoy them!). Watch for a new bathrobe in the ArcterCam.

Aside: got a cd of Soul Miners Daughter from Iambe last night. It rocks, thanks babe. Too bad my car cd changer doesn’t like the burn and it skips like mad πŸ™ Works fine everywhere else though… and in the car it’s an on and off things… wierd.

And thanks to Iambe’s column I was flooded with mail. Some of the cooler ones were from:


What are you… 17 now??? (fscking pup!) πŸ™‚

Michael Saletnik <michael.saletnik@tfn.com>

print pack('H*', "486170707920426972746864617921") . "\n";

and a host of others.

After coming home it was the User Friendly IRC party. I came in and was greeted with the following:

[08:36pm] <=> Arcterex  ~alan@a2a00709.direct.bconnected.net  has joined #userfriendly
[08:36pm] <=> SignOff: Aries_  #userfriendly Ping timeout forAries_[itchy7-18-72.ionsys.com]
=> [08:36pm] Arcterex kills xchat
[08:36pm] <=> SignOff: Aries_ #userfriendly Ping timeout forAries_[itchy7-18-72.ionsys.com]
[08:37pm] <RoundTop> 1 sec. everyone say Happy Birthday Arc
[08:37pm] <RoundTop> 1 sec. everyone say Happy Birthday Arc
[08:37pm] <=> mode #userfriendly -m by #userfriendly
[08:37pm] <=> mode #userfriendly -m by #userfriendly
[08:37pm] <cuvarack> Congratulations Arcterdude!
[08:37pm] <Subucni> hippy smurfday, arc!
[08:37pm] <Subucni> hippy smurfday, arc!
[08:37pm] <Ardaniel> Happy Birthday, Alan!
[08:37pm] MrMagnum wishes Arcterex a happy birthday (and many happy returns)
[08:37pm] <cuvarack> Congratulations Arcterdude!
[08:37pm] <Ardaniel> Happy Birthday, Alan!
[08:37pm] MrMagnum wishes Arcterex a happy birthday (and many happy returns)
[08:37pm] <elint> happy birthday arc
[08:37pm] <secrtbear> hb arc
[08:37pm] <elint> happy birthday arc
[08:37pm] <secrtbear> hb arc
[08:37pm] <Frostbite> Happy Birthday, Arc.
[08:37pm] <Torval> Happy Birthday Arc
[08:37pm] <Frostbite> Happy Birthday, Arc.
[08:37pm] <RoundTop> Happy birthday Arc!
[08:37pm] <Torval> Happy Birthday Arc
[08:37pm] <RoundTop> Happy birthday Arc!
[08:37pm] <Henry--> happy b-day!
[08:37pm] <Henry--> happy b-day!
[08:37pm] <aryssa> happy bday arc
[08:37pm] <aryssa> happy bday arc
[08:37pm] <blindahl> happy birthday
[08:37pm] <Icewraith> happy bday arc
[08:37pm] <rynsey> hppy b-day arc!!!!!!!!
[08:37pm] <blindahl> happy birthday
[08:37pm] <Gogl> happy birthday arc
[08:37pm] <Enigman> Happy birthday Arc!
[08:37pm] <Tafkah> happy bday arc
[08:37pm] <Icewraith> happy bday arc
[08:37pm] <rynsey> hppy b-day arc!!!!!!!!
[08:37pm] <Gogl> happy birthday arc
[08:37pm] <Enigman> Happy birthday Arc!
[08:37pm] <Tafkah> happy bday arc
[08:37pm] <SEA> happy bday arc!
[08:37pm] <SEA> happy bday arc!
[08:37pm] <Shaken> happy birthday arc
[08:37pm] <snowdrake> happy birthday Arc!
[08:37pm] <nuller> AARC!
[08:37pm] <Shaken> happy birthday arc
[08:37pm] <KJoker> happy birthday arc
[08:37pm] <snowdrake> happy birthday Arc!
[08:37pm] <nuller> AARC!
[08:37pm] <Calculus> Happy birthday, Arc!
[08:37pm] <KJoker> happy birthday arc
[08:37pm] <D-Aliegri> happy birthday arc.
[08:37pm] <Calculus> Happy birthday, Arc!
[08:37pm] <Diskmstr> happy birthday arc baby
[08:37pm] <D-Aliegri> happy birthday arc.
[08:37pm] <Diskmstr> happy birthday arc baby
[08:37pm] <tag-man> happy bday, ARC
[08:37pm] <=> mode #userfriendly +o Arcterex by #userfriendly
[08:37pm] <tag-man> happy bday, ARC
[08:37pm] <=> mode #userfriendly +o Arcterex by #userfriendly
[08:37pm] <Morpheus|> HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARCTEREX!!!!!!!!!!
[08:37pm] <Cozit> HAPPY B-DAY ARC
[08:37pm] <Mos^> Happy Birthday!!!
[08:37pm] <ChrisL> Happy Arc Day!
[08:37pm] <Babs> Happy Birthday Arc!
[08:37pm] <ChrisL> Happy Arc Day!
[08:37pm] <Mos^> Happy Birthday!!!
[08:37pm] <nuller> wooha!
[08:37pm] <Morpheus|> HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARCTEREX!!!!!!!!!!
[08:37pm] <Cozit> HAPPY B-DAY ARC
[08:37pm] <nuller> wooha!
[08:37pm] <Sanaya> Happy Birthday Arc
[08:37pm] <Babs> Happy Birthday Arc!
[08:37pm] <=> Aries- ~aries@itchy2-19-73.ionsys.com has left #userfriendly
[08:37pm] <=> Aries- ~aries@itchy2-19-73.ionsys.com has left #userfriendly
[08:37pm] <Godmoma> happy birthday arc! :)
[08:37pm] <Godmoma> happy birthday arc! :)
[08:37pm] <_crash_> happy b-day arc
[08:37pm] <Spark> Happy birth Arc
[08:37pm] <Beowulf> Hppay Birhtday
[08:37pm] <Sanaya> Happy Birthday Arc
[08:37pm] <_crash_> happy b-day arc
[08:37pm] <Spark> Happy birth Arc
[08:37pm] <Beowulf> Hppay Birhtday
[08:37pm] <nuller> TAKE IT OFF
[08:37pm] <nuller> TAKE IT OFF
[08:37pm] secrtbear humps arc
[08:37pm] secrtbear humps arc
[08:37pm] <BigT2> hb arc
[08:37pm] <BigT2> hb arc
[08:37pm] <Feste> Happy Birfday Arcterex!!!!
[08:37pm] <Feste> Happy Birfday Arcterex!!!!
[08:37pm] <greybird> Happy Birthday Arc
[08:37pm] <greybird> Happy Birthday Arc
[08:37pm] <BenK> Happy Birthday Arc!
[08:37pm] <BenK> Happy Birthday Arc!
[08:37pm] <MichaelJ> Happy birthday!
[08:37pm] <gordonf> Apply Birthday (Mine's on the 5th! DEC)
=> [08:37pm] <Arcterex> holy shit
[08:37pm] <MichaelJ> Happy birthday!
[08:37pm] <FSPring> Happy birthday Arc!!
[08:37pm] <Gogl> happy birthday to you!
[08:37pm] <FSPring> Happy birthday Arc!!
[08:37pm] <Gogl> happy birthday to you!
[08:37pm] <Arcterex> holy shit
[08:37pm] <gordonf> Apply Birthday (Mine's on the 5th! DEC)
[08:37pm] <El_Tee> happy bday again arc
[08:37pm] <elint> free blowjobs for arcie!
[08:37pm] <El_Tee> happy bday again arc
[08:37pm] <elint> free blowjobs for arcie!
[08:37pm] <teleny> Happy birthday Arc1
[08:37pm] <Bascule> Happy BIRTHDAY ARC!
[08:37pm] <teleny> Happy birthday Arc1
[08:37pm] <Bascule> Happy BIRTHDAY ARC!
[08:37pm] <Kitarra> Happy b-day arc
[08:37pm] <Grech> Schone Gebutstage
[08:37pm] <Gogl> happy birthday to you!
[08:37pm] Frostbite EYES SecretBear.
[08:37pm] <BigT2> keep it on
[08:37pm] <Kitarra> Happy b-day arc
[08:37pm] <Grech> Schone Gebutstage
[08:37pm] <Gogl> happy birthday to you!
[08:37pm] <MisterE> Happy Birthday!
[08:37pm] Frostbite EYES SecretBear.
[08:37pm] <MisterE> Happy Birthday!
[08:37pm] <BigT2> keep it on
[08:37pm] <BigRagu> party times
[08:37pm] <BigRagu> party times
[08:37pm] nuller takes off his pants
[08:37pm] <Cozit> TAKE IT ALL OFF
[08:37pm] nuller takes off his pants
[08:37pm] <Cozit> TAKE IT ALL OFF
[08:37pm] <QuMa> Happy birthday!!!!![08:37pm] &lt;QuMa&gt; Happy birthday!!!!!
[08:37pm] SnuggleB gives up...
[08:37pm] SnuggleB gives up...
[08:37pm] rynsey gives you your b-day spankingsa
[08:37pm] rynsey gives you your b-day spankingsa
=> [08:37pm] <Arcterex> jaysus h....
[08:37pm] <watchstar> merry happy birthday
[08:37pm] <watchstar> merry happy birthday
[08:37pm] <pisstoy> HAPPY BDAY ARC!!
[08:37pm] <pisstoy> HAPPY BDAY ARC!!
[08:37pm] <Arcterex> jaysus h....
[08:37pm] <Trumpie> SPEECH!
[08:37pm] <Trumpie> ;)
[08:37pm] <Trumpie> SPEECH!
[08:37pm] <Trumpie> ;)
[08:37pm] <Gogl> happy birthday to arc!
[08:37pm] <=> SnuggleB snuggleb@ has left #userfriendly
[08:37pm] <Gogl> happy birthday to arc!
[08:37pm] <=> SnuggleB snuggleb@ has left #userfriendly
[08:37pm] <=> mode #userfriendly +m by #userfriendly
[08:37pm] <=> mode #userfriendly +m by #userfriendly
[08:37pm] <=> FortyTwo ~mp3rod@nl0492-stpt.coredcs.com has joined #userfriendly
[08:37pm] <RoundTop> ok... thanks all
[08:37pm] <=> FortyTwo ~mp3rod@nl0492-stpt.coredcs.com has joined #userfriendly
[08:37pm] <RoundTop> ok... thanks all
[08:37pm] <Kethryvis> arc
[08:37pm] <Kethryvis> arc
[08:37pm] <Kethryvis> 's what you get
[08:37pm] <Kethryvis> 's what you get
[08:37pm] <Kethryvis> for having your birthday
[08:37pm] <Kethryvis> for having your birthday
[08:37pm] <RoundTop> continue :)
[08:37pm] <RoundTop> continue :)
[08:37pm] <Kethryvis> the same day as UF :)
[08:37pm] <Kethryvis> the same day as UF :)
[08:37pm] <=> urCh|n irccock@210-55-36-92.dialup.xtra.co.nz has joined #userfriendly
[08:37pm] <=> urCh|n irccock@210-55-36-92.dialup.xtra.co.nz has joined #userfriendly
[08:37pm] <Iambe> #74 What is Mike's last name?
[08:37pm] <Iambe> #74 What is Mike's last name?
=> [08:37pm] <Arcterex> this was illiads doing wasn't it?
[08:37pm] <=> mode #userfriendly -m by #userfriendly
[08:37pm] <=> mode #userfriendly -m by #userfriendly
[08:37pm] <Arcterex> this was illiads doing wasn't it?

But I was wrong:

[08:33pm] <RoundTop> When arc gets back...everyone say happy birthday to him

I’ll kill our little Joey later πŸ™‚

It was a good time, with q&a, trivia, etc. 125 people was the max I saw in channel. Wow. There are logs at http://ufies.org/txt/uf.log

I got a chance to play with php3 sometime in there, and came up with this test page [2024-08 – see note below] quick and dirtily. Just to try it out I’m going to redo my homepage with php I think. Course, the main part of it will be new layout and gfx and such.

Now I think it’s bedtime (or time to start pulling down slackware so I can have something to do the squiz thing (make my own super fast, super optimized distro using slackware to get the computer to a bootable point).

Hi, it’s me from 2024 while I’m going back and re-organizing things.  The script I wrote is so amateur and so full of security holes (literally it has one thing and it lets you view any file on the entire server) I had to share it here after grabbing it from archive.org

function print_head () {
	echo "<CENTER><h1>Arc's page</h1<><p>";
	echo "<center>Welcome to my domain</center>";
	echo "<p><br>";

function print_tail () {
	echo "<p><center><font size="\&quot;1\&quot;">All this shit copyright Alan Bailward and
	all that</font></center>";

function print_item ($item) {
	$url = "/test/hello.php3?file=$item";
	echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="\&quot;$url\&quot;">$item</a><br>";

$file = $HTTP_GET_VARS["file"];

if (isset($file)) {
	echo "You want to see $file?<p>";
	echo "<p>";
else {
	$filearray = array("foo","bar","baz");
	echo "choose a file from ";
	echo count($filearray);
	echo " files<p>";
Hello World
