
Happy Birthday to me… Happy Birthday to me…

Wow, what a day. I was overrun at work doing a system for our users
so the sysadmin doesn’t have to change their passwords for them (erhm,
isn’t a sysadmin supposed to do work like that?) and some
other support issues. We agreed that the beforementioned B was not
our favorite person.

A good day of work to say the least. Even got to have lunch before 2
this time! (yea yea, I was fixing a bug that was our fault…)

Went to the ArcterParents house for a birthday dinner and had a great
time, got some neat and useful toys (oh but for the time to enjoy
them!). Watch for a new bathrobe in the ArcterCam.

Aside: got a cd of Soul Miners Daughter from Iambe last night. It
rocks, thanks babe. Too bad my car cd changer doesn’t like the burn
and it skips like mad šŸ™ Works fine everywhere else though… and in
the car it’s an on and off things… wierd.

And thanks to Iambe’s column I was flooded with mail. Some of the
cooler ones were from:


What are you… 17 now??? (fscking pup!) šŸ™‚

Michael Saletnik <michael.saletnik@tfn.com>


print pack(‘H*’, “486170707920426972746864617921”) . “\n”;

and a host of others.

After coming home it was the User Friendly IRC party. I came in and
was greeted with the following:

[08:36pm] <=> Arcterex ~alan@a2a00709.direct.bconnected.net has joined #userfriendly
[08:36pm] <=> SignOff: Aries_ #userfriendly Ping timeout forAries_[itchy7-18-72.ionsys.com]
=> [08:36pm] Arcterex kills xchat
[08:36pm] <=> SignOff: Aries_ #userfriendly Ping timeout forAries_[itchy7-18-72.ionsys.com]
[08:37pm] <RoundTop> 1 sec. everyone say Happy Birthday Arc
[08:37pm] <RoundTop> 1 sec. everyone say Happy Birthday Arc
[08:37pm] <=> mode #userfriendly -m by #userfriendly
[08:37pm] <=> mode #userfriendly -m by #userfriendly
[08:37pm] <cuvarack> Congratulations Arcterdude!
[08:37pm] <Subucni> hippy smurfday, arc!
[08:37pm] <Subucni> hippy smurfday, arc!
[08:37pm] <Ardaniel> Happy Birthday, Alan!
[08:37pm] MrMagnum wishes Arcterex a happy birthday (and many happy returns)
[08:37pm] <cuvarack> Congratulations Arcterdude!
[08:37pm] <Ardaniel> Happy Birthday, Alan!
[08:37pm] MrMagnum wishes Arcterex a happy birthday (and many happy returns)
[08:37pm] <elint> happy birthday arc
[08:37pm] <secrtbear> hb arc
[08:37pm] <elint> happy birthday arc
[08:37pm] <secrtbear> hb arc
[08:37pm] <Frostbite> Happy Birthday, Arc.
[08:37pm] <Torval> Happy Birthday Arc
[08:37pm] <Frostbite> Happy Birthday, Arc.
[08:37pm] <RoundTop> Happy birthday Arc!
[08:37pm] <Torval> Happy Birthday Arc
[08:37pm] <RoundTop> Happy birthday Arc!
[08:37pm] <Henry–> happy b-day!
[08:37pm] <Henry–> happy b-day!
[08:37pm] <aryssa> happy bday arc
[08:37pm] <aryssa> happy bday arc
[08:37pm] <blindahl> happy birthday
[08:37pm] <Icewraith> happy bday arc
[08:37pm] <rynsey> hppy b-day arc!!!!!!!!
[08:37pm] <blindahl> happy birthday
[08:37pm] <Gogl> happy birthday arc
[08:37pm] <Enigman> Happy birthday Arc!
[08:37pm] <Tafkah> happy bday arc
[08:37pm] <Icewraith> happy bday arc
[08:37pm] <rynsey> hppy b-day arc!!!!!!!!
[08:37pm] <Gogl> happy birthday arc
[08:37pm] <Enigman> Happy birthday Arc!
[08:37pm] <Tafkah> happy bday arc
[08:37pm] <SEA> happy bday arc!
[08:37pm] <SEA> happy bday arc!
[08:37pm] <Shaken> happy birthday arc
[08:37pm] <snowdrake> happy birthday Arc!
[08:37pm] <nuller> AARC!
[08:37pm] <Shaken> happy birthday arc
[08:37pm] <KJoker> happy birthday arc
[08:37pm] <snowdrake> happy birthday Arc!
[08:37pm] <nuller> AARC!
[08:37pm] <Calculus> Happy birthday, Arc!
[08:37pm] <KJoker> happy birthday arc
[08:37pm] <D-Aliegri> happy birthday arc.
[08:37pm] <Calculus> Happy birthday, Arc!
[08:37pm] <Diskmstr> happy birthday arc baby
[08:37pm] <D-Aliegri> happy birthday arc.
[08:37pm] <Diskmstr> happy birthday arc baby
[08:37pm] <tag-man> happy bday, ARC
[08:37pm] <=> mode #userfriendly +o Arcterex by #userfriendly
[08:37pm] <tag-man> happy bday, ARC
[08:37pm] <=> mode #userfriendly +o Arcterex by #userfriendly
[08:37pm] <Morpheus|> HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARCTEREX!!!!!!!!!!
[08:37pm] <Cozit> HAPPY B-DAY ARC
[08:37pm] <Mos^> Happy Birthday!!!
[08:37pm] <ChrisL> Happy Arc Day!
[08:37pm] <Babs> Happy Birthday Arc!
[08:37pm] <ChrisL> Happy Arc Day!
[08:37pm] <Mos^> Happy Birthday!!!
[08:37pm] <nuller> wooha!
[08:37pm] <Morpheus|> HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARCTEREX!!!!!!!!!!
[08:37pm] <Cozit> HAPPY B-DAY ARC
[08:37pm] <nuller> wooha!
[08:37pm] <Sanaya> Happy Birthday Arc
[08:37pm] <Babs> Happy Birthday Arc!
[08:37pm] <=> Aries- ~aries@itchy2-19-73.ionsys.com has left #userfriendly
[08:37pm] <=> Aries- ~aries@itchy2-19-73.ionsys.com has left #userfriendly
[08:37pm] <Godmoma> happy birthday arc! šŸ™‚
[08:37pm] <Godmoma> happy birthday arc! šŸ™‚
[08:37pm] <_crash_> happy b-day arc
[08:37pm] <Spark> Happy birth Arc
[08:37pm] <Beowulf> Hppay Birhtday
[08:37pm] <Sanaya> Happy Birthday Arc
[08:37pm] <_crash_> happy b-day arc
[08:37pm] <Spark> Happy birth Arc
[08:37pm] <Beowulf> Hppay Birhtday
[08:37pm] <nuller> TAKE IT OFF
[08:37pm] <nuller> TAKE IT OFF
[08:37pm] secrtbear humps arc
[08:37pm] secrtbear humps arc
[08:37pm] <BigT2> hb arc
[08:37pm] <BigT2> hb arc
[08:37pm] <Feste> Happy Birfday Arcterex!!!!
[08:37pm] <Feste> Happy Birfday Arcterex!!!!
[08:37pm] <greybird> Happy Birthday Arc
[08:37pm] <greybird> Happy Birthday Arc
[08:37pm] <BenK> Happy Birthday Arc!
[08:37pm] <BenK> Happy Birthday Arc!
[08:37pm] <MichaelJ> Happy birthday!
[08:37pm] <gordonf> Apply Birthday (Mine’s on the 5th! DEC)
=> [08:37pm] <Arcterex> holy shit
[08:37pm] <MichaelJ> Happy birthday!
[08:37pm] <FSPring> Happy birthday Arc!!
[08:37pm] <Gogl> happy birthday to you!
[08:37pm] <FSPring> Happy birthday Arc!!
[08:37pm] <Gogl> happy birthday to you!
[08:37pm] <Arcterex> holy shit
[08:37pm] <gordonf> Apply Birthday (Mine’s on the 5th! DEC)
[08:37pm] <El_Tee> happy bday again arc
[08:37pm] <elint> free blowjobs for arcie!
[08:37pm] <El_Tee> happy bday again arc
[08:37pm] <elint> free blowjobs for arcie!
[08:37pm] <teleny> Happy birthday Arc1
[08:37pm] <Bascule> Happy BIRTHDAY ARC!
[08:37pm] <teleny> Happy birthday Arc1
[08:37pm] <Bascule> Happy BIRTHDAY ARC!
[08:37pm] <Kitarra> Happy b-day arc
[08:37pm] <Grech> Schone Gebutstage
[08:37pm] <Gogl> happy birthday to you!
[08:37pm] Frostbite EYES SecretBear.
[08:37pm] <BigT2> keep it on
[08:37pm] <Kitarra> Happy b-day arc
[08:37pm] <Grech> Schone Gebutstage
[08:37pm] <Gogl> happy birthday to you!
[08:37pm] <MisterE> Happy Birthday!
[08:37pm] Frostbite EYES SecretBear.
[08:37pm] <MisterE> Happy Birthday!
[08:37pm] <BigT2> keep it on
[08:37pm] <BigRagu> party times
[08:37pm] <BigRagu> party times
[08:37pm] nuller takes off his pants
[08:37pm] <Cozit> TAKE IT ALL OFF
[08:37pm] nuller takes off his pants
[08:37pm] <Cozit> TAKE IT ALL OFF
[08:37pm] <QuMa> Happy birthday!!!!![08:37pm] &lt;QuMa&gt; Happy birthday!!!!!
[08:37pm] SnuggleB gives up…
[08:37pm] SnuggleB gives up…
[08:37pm] rynsey gives you your b-day spankingsa
[08:37pm] rynsey gives you your b-day spankingsa
=> [08:37pm] <Arcterex> jaysus h….
[08:37pm] <watchstar> merry happy birthday
[08:37pm] <watchstar> merry happy birthday
[08:37pm] <pisstoy> HAPPY BDAY ARC!!
[08:37pm] <pisstoy> HAPPY BDAY ARC!!
[08:37pm] <Arcterex> jaysus h….
[08:37pm] <Trumpie> SPEECH!
[08:37pm] <Trumpie> šŸ˜‰
[08:37pm] <Trumpie> SPEECH!
[08:37pm] <Trumpie> šŸ˜‰
[08:37pm] <Gogl> happy birthday to arc!
[08:37pm] <=> SnuggleB snuggleb@ has left #userfriendly
[08:37pm] <Gogl> happy birthday to arc!
[08:37pm] <=> SnuggleB snuggleb@ has left #userfriendly
[08:37pm] <=> mode #userfriendly +m by #userfriendly
[08:37pm] <=> mode #userfriendly +m by #userfriendly
[08:37pm] <=> FortyTwo ~mp3rod@nl0492-stpt.coredcs.com has joined #userfriendly
[08:37pm] <RoundTop> ok… thanks all
[08:37pm] <=> FortyTwo ~mp3rod@nl0492-stpt.coredcs.com has joined #userfriendly
[08:37pm] <RoundTop> ok… thanks all
[08:37pm] <Kethryvis> arc
[08:37pm] <Kethryvis> arc
[08:37pm] <Kethryvis> ‘s what you get
[08:37pm] <Kethryvis> ‘s what you get
[08:37pm] <Kethryvis> for having your birthday
[08:37pm] <Kethryvis> for having your birthday
[08:37pm] <RoundTop> continue šŸ™‚
[08:37pm] <RoundTop> continue šŸ™‚
[08:37pm] <Kethryvis> the same day as UF šŸ™‚
[08:37pm] <Kethryvis> the same day as UF šŸ™‚
[08:37pm] <=> urCh|n irccock@210-55-36-92.dialup.xtra.co.nz has joined #userfriendly
[08:37pm] <=> urCh|n irccock@210-55-36-92.dialup.xtra.co.nz has joined #userfriendly
[08:37pm] <Iambe> #74 What is Mike’s last name?
[08:37pm] <Iambe> #74 What is Mike’s last name?
=> [08:37pm] <Arcterex> this was illiads doing wasn’t it?
[08:37pm] <=> mode #userfriendly -m by #userfriendly
[08:37pm] <=> mode #userfriendly -m by #userfriendly
[08:37pm] <Arcterex> this was illiads doing wasn’t it?

But I was wrong:

[08:33pm] <RoundTop> When arc gets back…everyone say happy birthday to him

I’ll kill our little Joey later šŸ™‚

It was a good time, with q&a, trivia, etc. 125 people was the max I
saw in channel. Wow. There are logs at http://ufies.org/txt/uf.log

I got a chance to play with php3
sometime in there, and came up with this test page quick and dirtily. Just to try
it out I’m going to redo my homepage with php I think. Course, the
main part of it will be new layout and gfx and such.

Now I think it’s bedtime (or time to start pulling down slackware so I
can have something to do the squiz thing (make my own super fast,
super optimized distro using slackware to get the computer to a
bootable point).