
Workout Arcterstatus:

Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!
I did not want to run this morning. I even said I was too tired and reset my alarm for a half hour later. However, good sense (and a whining cat) prevailed.

… when I heard the ambulance siren go this morning I thought to myself… “how did they know?” Turns out it wasn’t for me though, though I certainly feel like I need it.

Rex made this pitiful whining noise this morning that turned out to mean “I’m thirsty thirsty thirst so thirsty please feed me oh PLEASE won’t you give me a little water oh come on GIVE ME SOME GODDAM WATER YOU HAIRLESS MONKEY!” So I gave him some water and he was so happy he kneeded the mat that the food and water sits on and spilled the water. So guess what I get to do before I go to work 🙁 (and “ignore it and let it dry by itself is, while a good answer, not the correct one).