
Yes, it’s funky dream time again…..

I was at my old high school. There was an election going on, but not so much an election, but something that where you voted, and lets say you voted Vancouver, or Gander, or the edge of your town, and you’d appear there. Pretty cool huh? My boss (oh dear god why did I have a dream with my boss in it) was outside beside the track and a phone call came in but he wouldn’t tell me who it was from. So I went and watched the horses for a while (there were a bunch of horses running around the school track). There was this one breed that looked like a cross between a horse and a small buffalo…. really demented, but of course, it all made sense. I decided to go running with the horses and did, keeping up with them (or they slowed down to run with me, something I think is far more likely because the one I was “racing” had it’s head down really low like it was looking at it’s feet to make sure it was going slow or something). I got tired then and a horse came over and got me (in a “realistic” manner, by coming towards me and making noise) because the boss had called me over because the guy on the phone wanted to talk to me (turns out it was a guy we deal with who I will identify as “F from RO” (for anyone who happens to know WTF I’m talking about)) and shoot the shit for a bit.

About that point I was jarred awake by the alarm (after being out till 1 at sushi I felt sleep was more important) which I promptly turned off, reset to 2 minutes later, turned back on, then hit the snooze when it rang (I turned it off instead of hitting snooze the first time accidently).