Surviving the Game

Maybe Survivor doesn’t completely suck. If you think of it as a giant game where the point of it is to win, by any means needed, like in the game Diplomacy, then it’s only mildly nausiating to watch. Which I did, along with about 19 billion other people, last night. It was a Geek Survivor Party (as Iambe said [ link]).

Now I’m hacking out C, or trying to, as we convert some of our perl stuff to C. Nice to get back into it but man do I regret how awsome perl is to do string/hash/array stuff.

Changed the font. Hope it doesn’t suck. Looks ok to me. Speaking of looking, I really like the changes I made in the last entry. I think maybe tonight in the midst of coding the new Peer 2 Peer Personals I’ll do some changes here as well. Does the brownish look suck rocks? I’ll get around to
archiving this too….

Aside: Listening to Live’s song “Centry”… “come on over dear/this puke smells like beer”. I enjoy interesting and colorful metaphor in music of course, but I guess I’m too conservative or sheltered to appreciate the poetic nature of the above line(s).