Redundancy is redundant

I’ve of course already put it up here but if
for some reason you don’t read my other page of random boredom (bad bad
person!), you’ll see that Brad had a son! I was presented with this news in
the manner of this:

10:15 – go to bed. read microserfs

10:30 – turn out lights, attempt to sleep

10:45 – give up, head out to watch the end of outer limits

10:50 – just one quick game of quake3

10:58 – get my ass kicked and hit /.

11:00 – read that a new mozilla milestone is
11:01 – download, untar, try.

11:04 – post
my impressions

11:08 – reload /.

11:20 – door buzzer goes. wonder if it’s someone I know with a blown up

11:30 – Brad shows me hospital bracelet and tells me the good news

So congrats dude!

Aside: Tig, I get the _,
and like it. Gonna go full bore?