Ve came, for ze Tea!

So in an unprecidented move of sportsmanship and team spirit, I agreed to play volleyball with my team [ link] for a charity event yesturday. We played two hours of very fun volleyball, and didn’t suck nearly as much as a team full of computer geeks should have. Course, we were playing the actors guild and a bunch of dentists (well, the dentists kicked our asses, but that’s another story).

Anyway, today I kinda hurt 🙂 Oh, and it’s Sunday too. That means tomorrow is Monday. That really sucks.

I had (yet another) strange dream last night.

I was playing real life quake in a convention of some sort (but it was in an old style library like place, with lots of wide open spaces). It was real life in that I was actually running around and shooting people, but virtual in that no one was actually gibbing. Think laser tag I guess. Anyway, Jennifer Love Hewitte [ link] was there sitting with some people. I go over to talk to her and she says that it would be great if someone would make her a martini for when she gets back. I of course, wanting to impress, head to the bartender and ask for the ingredients for a martini, and then fumble through mixing and making it (is there a slice of orange that is put on the edge of the glass? I didn’t think so…). I have it ready for her when she returns, and she thanks me and asks me “so how did you make it?” I of course have no clue and say something like “well I put some of that stuff in that stuff, mixed a little of the other stuff, and there you go!” She didn’t like that at all (judging a man by his ability to know how to make a drink) and told me to bugger off or walked away or something equally put-down-ish. Pah! Women.

I am proud to have made a contribution to the geek nexus in purchasing a wacky-cool DVD player, a real one that doesn’t involve stringing wires across the room from my computer! A Toshiba SD-1600 [ link] with all sorts of cool features. Now I can watch DVDs (and even on my TV they look great (yes Silv, they do look fine! :)). Now to start getting the other bits needed for a great home audio experience.