And the Oscar Goes to…

Blast, I’m sick now. I hate being sick. This came on Thursday and Friday, slowly getting worse, and no signs of stopping. I can’t say I feel worse now than I did this morning, but how I felt this morning was far worse than I felt Saturday morning. I’ve pretty much resigned myself to taking a sick day unless things drastically improve.

Yesturday was pretty good. A trip into Ikea with Cat5 and a couple of others netted me the two things I wanted, a new computer chair (fighting firefly for my good one sucks) and a shelf for my desk (simple, integrated, and organized!). The sidetrip to Coast Moutain in metrotown to search for “cheap” Arctery’x and Patagonia clothing. Well, while 40% off is pretty good, 40% off of $600 is still far too expensive! I also looked for hiking shoes/boots as Tig, Foz, Joker and I were going to head up to Squamish to do some hiking today, but of course the only pair that wasn’t too loose or tight in the toes was in the “more expensive” ($160) zone. Thanks but no thanks.

I obviously didn’t go hiking today because (as you may or may not have figured out) I feel like shit. This really sucks, not only because I really hate being sick, but because I was really looking to get out on the trail/rock again.

Last night I don’t know if it was the sick or the tea I consumed, but I wasn’t really tired at all. I ended up getting up from bed and surfing for a bit until 3am or so. Woke up at 9am quite awake (and feeling crappy).

Hmm…. so True Lies [ link] is on (with a tagline of “wouldn’t you rather watch this <insert shots of Jamie Lee Curtis’ scantily clad butt> than some boring awards show?”), but nothing Malcom in the Middle, Futurama, or X-Files wise. Bah Humbug.