I Hate Pretty Much Everything

Bleah, what a way to end the day. I came home after a long and shitty day at
work to find no milk in the house. No biggie right? So I head out to drive
down to the store to get some and find my clutch now only works if it’s
pressed really hard into the floorboards. It would still go, but it
was not “Good”. It seemed like the clutch was always partially engaged, so
putting my beast into gear was… not easy… possible, but only with lots of

Going to work this morning to take it in to get it’s scratch from a while back
repaired as well as the clutch was fun too. I had to push it out of it’s
parking spot because reverse was not an option. Neither was first gear… I’m
glad that it’s a nice powerful engine that starts off nicely in second (which
was painful to get into as well. Downshift? I don’t think so. Luckily the
body shop has their own mechanic and they can replace the cylinder (or whatever
it is) easily. Not incrediably cheaply of course, but it’ll be done. I’m
glad the clutch didn’t go already, it’s only a ’98!

On the bright side, it looks like my bug is that files aren’t being closed

Oh, and WhtDragon is back! Whoho! When do we go play pool so you can kick my
ass dude?