An orgy of gibbage…

Well, even though K says that dude from the gym was on crack as far as slower
being better than faster, I went out the other day for a 40 minute fast walk or
so. It felt good, but not painful, which is good. I’m going to go a few more
times regardless, just to see (maybe tonight if I get back in time).

Today we’re heading to JM’s place for a long needed LAN party. I’m sure it’ll
be an orgy of file trading, passing around of copyright materials, and first
person shooters. I have a stack of CDs containing many different things on
them, but who knows who/what will come about.

I’ll try to detail the events of the day tonight.

I’m still waiting for things from the people I’m supposed to be doing contract
work for. They don’t seem really interested in holding up their end of the deal
(working source code and makefiles), and I’m about this (-> <-) far away
from telling them to get a hold of me when they get their act together.

Another possibility has presented itself, this time with people that I have far
more respect and trust (and history) with, but we’ll have to see how that goes.

Seems that there’s still some time before things’ll start for leaving for the
LAN, so breakfast is the order of business now ๐Ÿ™‚

Oh yea, saw Spider-man yesturday, man, it was pretty good. I say go see it ๐Ÿ™‚