Let it Snow Let it Snow

Well last night we finally got some snow! By midnight or so it was really coming down hard, and starting to stick. Sadly, as it goes with this area, by morning (that’d be now) it’s turned to rain, the sun is coming out, and the snow is pretty much gone. Hopefully it’ll come back soon though, feet and feet of it! Of course, with me having to start driving to Chilliwack and back soon, this might not be a wish that I want to come true.

The ufies box is still up, which makes me very happy. Sure the load on it is huge, but the fact that I’m not waking up every morning to find a dead box makes me much happier 🙂

The problems adding comments to the system should be fixed now. I’m not sure what was wrong, but I change the movable type storage from berkeley db files to a mysql database and it appears to be working now. Not sure what went wrong, but comments were being added but not showing up at all. Very strange.